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Portfolio Playbook: How to Request Customer Intros

Updated: Jun 18

As a vertical-focused venture fund, we find ourselves talking to lots of people in and around the legal system. Many of them can help our portfolio in a variety of ways, given their roles as general counsels, decision makers at law firms, heads of business units, investors, and other c-suite executives). Our goal is to make as many mutual connections as possible to both help our advisors understand innovation in the market and our portfolio companies grow their business further. We want both parties to benefit from the conversation and typically use double opt-ins to get that buy in. For companies (and anyone, more broadly), the easiest way to initiate this type of intro is through a simple forwardable intro request. We wanted to share a template we recommend that helps us make these connections on a daily basis.

Our Goals

  • Facilitate an intro as quickly and directly as possible

  • Make sure that the parties are aware of what the other party does

  • We can facilitate, by simply pushing forward on an email and enough context is provided

How to Tee Up an Intro

Here’s a quick example below, all of which needs to be tailored for any founder sending this out. It’s worth spending time drafting an email that’s clear and concise, so the recipient can skim quickly and agree to a call.

Zach [or whomever is making the intro],

We would love for the opportunity to chat w/ [INSERT WHO THE INTRO IS/ OR GENERALLY THE TEAM] at [INSERT COMPANY NAME]. We think that this could be interesting for [REASON 1, 2, 3]. Please find a few summary bullets below to provide a quick overview of [INSERT YOUR COMPANY NAME] designed to help facilitate an intro.


Insert Name

  • Our company helps do X, Y & Z.

  • We are being used by customers X, Y & Z and have found that when using our company these are the results.

  • One more relevant bullet to help give context to the company.

  • Please also find attached more info. (maybe sales materials? Overview deck, whatever is relevant.


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